南达科他州法官以州主权豁免为由驳回了 $45M 关于旧矿造成的天坑的诉讼;原告上诉。 South Dakota judge dismisses $45M lawsuit over old mine-caused sinkholes, citing state sovereign immunity; plaintiffs to appeal.
南达科他州一名法官驳回了Rapid City的Hideaway Hills分区的房主提出的诉讼,他们声称,一个老地下矿井造成坑洞,威胁到他们的财产。 A South Dakota judge has dismissed a lawsuit from homeowners in Rapid City's Hideaway Hills subdivision, who allege that an old underground mine caused sinkholes threatening their properties. 巡回法院Eric J. Strawn法官裁定,国家享有主权豁免,保护国家免受诉讼。 Circuit Court Judge Eric J. Strawn ruled that the state has sovereign immunity, which protects it from lawsuits. 原告正在寻求4 500万美元,并计划就此决定向州最高法院提出上诉。 The plaintiffs are seeking $45 million and plan to appeal the decision to the state Supreme Court. 诉讼最初于2020年提出。 The lawsuit was initially filed in 2020.