19 岁的约书亚·洛 (Joshua Lowe) 被指控对嘉年华邮轮公司的 Sunrise 船发出虚假炸弹威胁,引起搜查和美国海岸警卫队警报。 19-year-old Joshua Lowe accused of false bomb threat against Carnival Cruise Lines' Sunrise ship, causing searches and US Coast Guard alert.
来自西密歇根州的 19 岁少年约书亚·达雷尔·洛二世 (Joshua Darrell Lowe II) 被指控对嘉年华邮轮公司的 Sunrise 船发出虚假炸弹威胁,该船扰乱了从迈阿密到牙买加的旅程。 Joshua Darrell Lowe II, a 19-year-old from West Michigan, is accused of making a false bomb threat against Carnival Cruise Lines' Sunrise ship, which disrupted its journey from Miami to Jamaica. 他指称的电子邮件引发了对一千多座客房的广泛搜查,并提醒美国海岸警卫队。 His alleged email prompted extensive searches of over a thousand staterooms and alerted the U.S. Coast Guard. 如果被定罪,Lowe可能会面临长达5年的监禁和赔偿。 If convicted, Lowe could face up to five years in prison and restitution. 该案突出说明了虚假威胁对公共安全的严重后果。 The case highlights the serious consequences of false threats on public safety.