教皇弗朗西斯以滥用权力和权威为由驱逐秘鲁天主教运动的资深成员。 Pope Francis expels senior members of a Peruvian Catholic movement for abuses of power and authority.
教皇方济各已将大主教何塞·安东尼奥·埃古伦 (José Antonio Eguren) 和其他九人驱逐出秘鲁天主教运动 Sodalitium Christianae Vitae,此前梵蒂冈的一项调查揭示了“虐待狂”滥用权力和权威的行为。 Pope Francis has expelled Archbishop José Antonio Eguren and nine others from the Sodalitium Christianae Vitae, a Catholic movement in Peru, following a Vatican investigation revealing "sadistic" abuses of power and authority. 在此之前,该运动的创始人Luis Figari曾因包括鸡奸在内的严重不当行为而被驱逐出境。 This action follows the prior expulsion of the movement's founder, Luis Figari, for serious misconduct, including sodomy. 秘鲁主教会议宣布了这项决定,强调必须在教会内伸张正义和赔偿。 The Peruvian Bishops Conference announced the decision, emphasizing the need for justice and reparation within the Church.