教宗方济各批准对刚果反腐败烈士佛里伯特·布瓦纳·楚伊·本·科西提的宣明为圣. Pope Francis approves beatification of Congolese anti-corruption martyr, Floribert Bwana Chui Bin Kositi.
佛朗西斯教皇批准了2007年因拒绝将腐烂的米饭运输过边境而被杀害的刚果政府工作人员佛罗里伯特·布努瓦·楚伊·本·科西蒂的圣洁宣告. Pope Francis has approved the beatification of Floribert Bwana Chui Bin Kositi, a Congolese government worker killed in 2007 for refusing to transport spoiled rice across the border. Kositi的殉难得到教皇的承认,激发了在饱受战争蹂躏的戈马的反腐败努力,他的勇气在戈马引起了深刻的共鸣。 Kositi's martyrdom, recognized by the Pope, inspires anti-corruption efforts in war-torn Goma, where his courage resonates deeply. 这一可能的圣洁步骤标志着刚果第一位圣洁候选人,反映了教皇弗朗西斯将烈士视为社会正义倡导者这一更广泛的观点。 This step towards possible sainthood marks the first Congolese candidate for sainthood, reflecting Pope Francis' broader view of martyrs as social justice advocates.