一名72岁的妇女在穿越Bridgeport主街时被一辆SUV击中,伤势危急。 A 72-year-old woman is in critical condition after being hit by an SUV while crossing Main Street in Bridgeport.
一名72岁的妇女在康涅狄格州Bridgeport主街和Capitle Avenue大道十字路口被一辆SUV在交叉路口撞上后处于危急状态。 A 72-year-old woman is in critical condition after being hit by an SUV in a crosswalk at the intersection of Main Street and Capitol Avenue in Bridgeport, Connecticut. 事故发生时,一名司机试图左转并打中行人。 The accident occurred when a driver attempted to make a left turn and struck the pedestrian. 另一辆汽车随后将SUV后向后推进。 Another vehicle then rear-ended the SUV. 该妇女被送往医院,Bridgeport警察局正在调查这一事件,并要求提供证人信息。 The woman was taken to the hospital, and the Bridgeport Police Department is investigating the incident and requesting any witness information.