东南明尼苏达州和北爱荷华州农民由于有利的干燥条件,在收成方面取得进展,但未来作物出现干旱问题。 Southeast Minnesota and North Iowa farmers progress ahead in harvest due to beneficial dry conditions, but drought concerns arise for future crops.
东南明尼苏达州和北爱荷华州当前收成的有利干燥条件使农民提前取得进展,大豆和玉米收成分别达到91%和68%。 Southeast Minnesota and North Iowa are experiencing beneficial dry conditions for the current harvest, allowing farmers to progress ahead of schedule, with soybean and corn harvests at 91% and 68% completion, respectively. 然而,由于土壤湿度下降,持续干旱引起对未来作物、特别是年轻树木的关切。 However, the ongoing drought raises concerns for future crops, particularly young trees, as soil moisture declines. 农民迫切寻求雨水,以保持下一季的土壤健康,而爱荷华州在152年中面临10月的第二次干旱。 Farmers urgently seek rain to maintain soil health for next season, with Iowa facing its second-driest October in 152 years.