UC系统因镇压亲巴勒斯坦的言论和抗议活动而面临违反劳动权利的指控。 UC system faces labor violation allegations for suppressing pro-Palestinian speech and protests.
加州大学 (UC) 系统面临教职员工的劳工违规指控,他们声称管理人员压制了亲巴勒斯坦的言论和抗议活动。 The University of California (UC) system faces labor violation allegations from faculty members who claim administrators suppressed pro-Palestinian speech and protests. 加利福尼亚大学学院协会理事会向州公共就业关系委员会提出申诉,该委员会得到来自七个校园的教师的支持。 The Council of University of California Faculty Associations filed a complaint with the state Public Employment Relations Board, supported by faculty from seven campuses. 教职员工指责加州大学威胁教育工作者并惩戒参与学生抗议的人,而该大学则为其行为辩护。 The faculty accuse UC of threatening educators and disciplining those involved in student protests, while the university defends its actions.