俄勒冈大学修正了对违反行为守则的亲巴勒斯坦学生的惩戒行动。 University of Oregon amends disciplinary action against pro-Palestine students for violating conduct code.
400 个字符:俄勒冈大学的亲巴勒斯坦抗议者支持五名因违反行为准则而面临纪律处分的学生,他们通过粉笔粉刷反以色列信息。 400 characters: Pro-Palestine protesters at University of Oregon supported five students facing disciplinary action for violating code of conduct by chalking anti-Israel messages. 最初,该大学威胁要暂停或驱逐学生,但后来又修改其立场,以避免负面的笔录、暂停或驱逐。 Initially, the university threatened suspension or expulsion, but later revised its stance to avoid negative transcript notation, suspension, or expulsion. 该大学强调其言论自由的价值,其行为行动基于违反学生行为守则,而不是言论内容。 The university emphasized its value of free speech and that the conduct actions were based on violating the student conduct code, not speech content.