为意大利全民投票收集的50万个签名,以改革公民法、缩短居住期限和给予儿童立即公民身份。 500,000 signatures collected for Italy referendum to reform citizenship laws, shortening residency and granting immediate citizenship to children.
意大利的亲移民团体和反对党已经收集了50万个签名,以发起旨在改革严格的公民法的全民投票。 Pro-migrant groups and opposition parties in Italy have gathered 500,000 signatures to initiate a referendum aimed at reforming strict citizenship laws. 该提案试图将公民身份的居住要求从十年减为五年,并允许新公民立即将国籍传给其子女。 The proposal seeks to cut the residency requirement for citizenship from ten years to five and to allow new citizens to immediately pass nationality to their children. 如果获得批准,大约250万外国人可以获得公民身份。 If approved, approximately 2.5 million foreigners could gain citizenship. 宪法法院将审查该请求,可能于2025年投票表决。 The Constitutional Court will review the request, with a potential vote in 2025.