44名前泰国国会议员因涉嫌破坏君主立宪制而面临NACC调查;如果被判有罪,将面临终身驱逐出政界。 44 ex-Thai MPs face NACC probe for allegedly undermining constitutional monarchy; if found guilty, face life banishment from politics.
泰国前进运动的44名前议员因涉嫌企图破坏宪法君主制而面临国家反腐败委员会 (NACC) 的调查. 44 ex-MPs of Thailand's defunct Movement for Forward Thailand face a National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) probe for allegedly attempting to undermine the constitutional monarchy. 1月被宪法法院定罪,全国反腐败委员会将收集证据,通知被告,允许他们提出论据,并裁定行为是否不道德。 Convicted by the Constitutional Court in January, the NACC will gather evidence, notify accused, allow them to present arguments, and decide if conduct was unethical. 如果被最高法院判定有罪,政治家将面临政治上终身的排斥。 If found guilty by the Supreme Court, politicians face a life banishment from politics.