泰国宪法法院将于 8 月 7 日就是否解散反对党前进党做出决定。 Thailand's Constitutional Court to decide on potential dissolution of opposition Move Forward party on August 7.
泰国宪法法院将于 8 月 7 日宣布有关解散议会最大政党、反对党前进党的裁决。 Thailand's Constitutional Court is set to announce its decision on August 7 regarding the potential dissolution of the opposition Move Forward party, the largest party in parliament. 该案起因于选举委员会提交的一份请愿书,要求解散该党,原因是该党计划修改一项保护强大君主制免受批评的法律。 The case arises from an election commission petition to disband the party over its plan to amend a law protecting the powerful monarchy from criticism.