法国戛纳因强降雨和暴风雨而面临严重的洪水,促使当地官员发出警告。 Cannes, France, faces severe flooding due to heavy rainfall and storms, prompting a warning from local officials.
由于强降雨和强风暴,法国戛纳正在经历严重的洪水,促使当地官员发布警告。 Cannes, France, is experiencing severe flooding due to heavy rainfall and intense storms, prompting local officials to issue a warning. 街道被淹没,汽车被冲走,但没有伤亡报告。 Streets are submerged, with cars swept away but no reported injuries. 市长批评了政府迟到的警报,并计划追究责任。 The mayor criticized the late government alert and plans to seek accountability. 同时,为受影响居民设立了一个危机中心。 Meanwhile, a crisis center has been set up for affected residents. 这次水灾是在中欧发生悲惨事件之后发生的,本月早些时候发生重大水灾,造成至少17人死亡。 This flooding follows a tragic event in central Europe where at least 17 people died due to significant flooding earlier this month.