由于大雨和橙色警告,爱尔兰的科克面临严重水灾,班特里的企业受损,预计还会发生水灾。 Cork, Ireland, faces severe flooding due to heavy rain and an orange warning, with businesses damaged in Bantry and additional flooding expected.
爱尔兰的科克(Cork)因暴雨和梅特艾莱安(Met Éireann)的橙色天气警报而面临严重水灾。 Cork, Ireland, is facing severe flooding due to heavy rainfall and an orange weather warning from Met Éireann. 应急服务机构,包括消防员和地方议会工作人员,正在应对危机,特别是在企业遭受重大破坏的班特里。 Emergency services, including firefighters and local council staff, are responding to the crisis, especially in Bantry, where businesses have suffered significant damage. 随着涨潮的临近,预计还会发生洪水。 With high tide approaching, further flooding is anticipated. 科克县议会敦促对当地道路采取谨慎态度,并强调需要改善该地区的防洪工作。 The Cork County Council urges caution on local roads and emphasizes the need for improved flood defenses in the area.