菲律宾参议院向非居民游客发放增值税退税,目的是促进旅游业和创造就业机会。 Philippine Senate passes VAT refund bill for non-resident tourists, aiming to boost tourism and create jobs.
菲律宾参议院已经通过了参议院第12/2002号议案。 The Philippine Senate has passed Senate Bill No. 2415年,为非居民游客建立增值税退税机制。 2415, establishing a VAT refund mechanism for non-resident tourists. 符合资格的来访者可在当地购买至少P3 000比索时要求退款。 Eligible visitors can claim refunds on local purchases of at least P3,000. 该倡议旨在促进旅游业,预计将每年创造33亿至57亿比索,从2024年到2028年创造4 400至7 100个就业机会。 The initiative aims to boost tourism and is projected to generate P3.3 billion to P5.7 billion annually and create 4,400 to 7,100 jobs from 2024 to 2028. 该法案要求从经认可的商店购买货物,在60天内将货物运出该国。 The bill requires purchases from accredited stores, with goods taken out of the country within 60 days.