菲律宾政府提议为游客提供增值税退税计划, 以刺激经济活动及吸引奢侈品牌。 Filipino government proposes VAT refund scheme for tourists to boost economic activity and attract luxury brands.
菲律宾政府官员, 秘书弗雷德里克·戈 (Frederick Go) 提出了一项为游客退还增值税的计划, Filipino government official, Secretary Frederick Go, proposes a VAT refund scheme for tourists as a means to boost economic activity and make the Philippines a top shopping destination in Asia. 与亚洲其他国家相比,游客缺乏增值税退款的问题得到了强调,电子签证制度旨在使访问菲律宾的游客更容易旅行。 The lack of a VAT refund for tourists compared to other Asian countries has been highlighted and the e-visa system aims to make travel easier for tourists visiting the Philippines. 参议院正在审议的增值税退税计划旨在说服更多的奢侈品牌进入市场、促进零售和增加旅游收入。 The VAT refund scheme, under consideration in the Senate, aims to persuade more luxury brands to enter the market, boost retail sales and increase tourism revenue.