美联储(Minneapolis Fed)主席Neel Kashkari赞成降低50bps利率, Neel Kashkari, Minneapolis Fed President, endorses a 50bps interest rate cut due to shifting risks towards weakening labor market.
明尼阿波利斯联邦储备银行行长奈尔·卡什卡里(Neel Kashkari)赞同最近50个基点利率削减, Neel Kashkari, President of the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, endorsed the recent 50 basis point interest rate cut, calling it the "right decision." 他强调了在遏制通货膨胀方面取得的进展,并指出失业率上升的风险增加。 He highlighted progress in curbing inflation and noted the increased risk of rising unemployment. Kashkari强调,风险平衡已转向劳动力市场的潜在削弱,证明有必要降低联邦基金利率,这是美联储的主要政策工具。 Kashkari emphasized that the balance of risks has shifted toward a potential weakening of the labor market, justifying the need for a lower federal funds rate, the Fed's primary policy tool.