2022年联邦调查局暴力犯罪数据经过修订,显示增加了4.5%,而不是减少2.1%。 2022 FBI violent crime data revised to show a 4.5% increase instead of a 2.1% decrease.
联邦调查局修订了其2022年的暴力犯罪数据,显示增加了4.5%,而不是以前报告的减少2.1%。 The FBI has revised its 2022 violent crime data, revealing a 4.5% increase rather than the previously reported 2.1% decrease. 这一更正增加了数千起严重犯罪案件,有可能改变美国关于犯罪率的公开言论。 This correction adds thousands of cases of serious crimes, potentially altering the public discourse on crime rates in the U.S. 联邦调查局的方法依靠警察部门的部分数据,使人对其统计数字的准确性产生疑问。 The FBI’s methodology relies on partial data from police departments, raising questions about the accuracy of its statistics. 此外,劳动统计局面临高估创造就业的检查。 Additionally, the Bureau of Labor Statistics faces scrutiny for overestimating job creation.