加州的柠檬法可能因1755年议会法案而削弱 California's lemon law faces potential weakening due to Assembly Bill 1755.
由于 1755 年议会法案迅速通过,由美国汽车制造商和律师的游说者秘密起草,加利福尼亚州的柠檬法面临潜在的削弱。 California's lemon law faces potential weakening due to Assembly Bill 1755, passed quickly and drafted secretly by lobbyists for U.S. auto manufacturers and attorneys. 虽然旨在减少不断增加的柠檬法诉讼数量,但批评者认为,其复杂的语言可能会阻碍消费者对有缺陷车辆的追索。 While intended to reduce the rising number of lemon law lawsuits, critics argue its complex language could hinder consumer recourse for defective vehicles. 该法案经过了有争议的“审判和修正”程序,等待总督Newsom在9月30日前作出决定。 The bill, which underwent a controversial "gut-and-amend" process, awaits Governor Newsom's decision by September 30.