2023-24加利福尼亚州立法机构在保健立法费用估算争议中,面临辩论和表决901项剩余法案的最后期限。 2023-24 California legislature faces deadline to debate and vote on 901 remaining bills amid controversy over cost estimates for health care legislation.
加利福尼亚州立法者在2023-24年立法会议最后六天就901项剩余法案进行辩论和投票的最后期限到了。 California lawmakers face a deadline to debate and vote on 901 remaining bills during the final six days of the 2023-24 legislative session. 批评者指责Newsom行政当局将主要保健立法的费用估计数增高,导致参议院和议会拨款委员会否决法案。 Critics accuse the Newsom administration of inflating cost estimates for key health care legislation, leading to the rejection of bills by the Senate and Assembly Appropriations Committees. 州长办公室否认这些指控,坚持认为费用是准确的。 The governor's office denies the accusations, insisting that costs are accurate. 这一争议引起了立法过程的完整性和费用估计数的准确性问题。 This controversy raises questions about the integrity of the legislative process and the accuracy of cost estimates.