白宫报告说 2022年强化的背景调查 导致凶杀案减少17% 大规模枪击案减少20% White House reports 17% homicide decrease and 20% mass shooting reduction from enhanced background checks in 2022.
白宫报告说,经过强化的背景调查,在过去一年中阻止了向21岁以下个人和犯有轻罪家庭暴力罪的人出售数千件枪支。 The White House reported that enhanced background checks have blocked thousands of gun sales to individuals under 21 and those with misdemeanor domestic violence convictions over the past year. 这些措施导致杀人案减少17%,大规模枪击事件减少20%。 These measures contributed to a 17% decrease in homicides and a 20% reduction in mass shootings. 这些努力源于2022年6月签署的《两党更安全社区法》,反映了拜登总统设立的预防枪支暴力办公室正在采取的各项举措。 The efforts stem from the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act, signed in June 2022, and reflect ongoing initiatives by the Office of Gun Violence Prevention established by President Biden.