发现温哥华海附近的可疑包裹导致疏散和区域关闭. Suspicious package found near Vancouver waterfront leads to evacuations and area closures.
温哥华警方正在调查在水面附近发现的可疑包裹,导致Esther街和哥伦比亚街之间第6街以南的市区疏散和关闭。 Vancouver Police are investigating a suspicious package found near the waterfront, leading to evacuations and closures of downtown area south of 6th Street between Esther and Columbia Streets. 作为预防措施,附近企业被疏散。 Businesses nearby were evacuated as a precautionary measure. 当局要求公众避开该地区,并将在获得新信息后分享进一步的最新情况。 Authorities request the public to avoid the area and further updates will be shared as new information becomes available.