Kelowna疏散区的警察在1月7日发现可疑背包后使用了无人驾驶飞机。 Police in Kelowna evacuated areas and used a drone after finding a suspicious backpack on January 7.
1月7日在市中心停车场发现可疑背包后, Kelowna RCMP关闭了Leon大道以及Pandosy和Water街的部分地区。 The Kelowna RCMP closed off Leon Avenue and parts of Pandosy and Water Streets after discovering a suspicious backpack in a downtown parking lot on January 7. 爆炸装置股被叫来提供协助,一些建筑物被疏散,而其他建筑物则被要求避难。 The Explosive Device Unit was called in to assist, and some buildings were evacuated while others were asked to shelter in place. 受影响地块的车辆仍然无法进入,建议公众在认为安全之前避开该区。 Vehicles in the affected lot remain inaccessible, and the public is advised to avoid the area until it is deemed safe. 警方正在使用无人机勘察现场 Police are using a drone to survey the scene.