9月21日摩洛哥塔塔省洪水淹没了一辆公共汽车, 造成两人死亡14人失踪。 On September 21, a bus was swept away by flooding in Morocco's Tata province, resulting in two deaths and 14 missing people.
在摩洛哥塔塔省, 9月21日, 一辆巴士遭严重洪水淹没, 造成两人死亡, 14人失踪。 In Morocco's Tata province on September 21, a bus was swept away by severe flooding, leading to two fatalities and 14 people missing. 洪水是暴风雨和暴雨造成的,有13人获救。 The flooding resulted from intense thunderstorms and heavy rainfall, with 13 individuals rescued. 地方当局正在协调救援和支持工作,因为一场已经造成至少18人丧生的更广泛的危机,凸显了气候变化和该区域日益恶化的水危机的影响。 Local authorities are coordinating rescue and support efforts amid a broader crisis that has already claimed at least 18 lives, highlighting the impact of climate change and the region's worsening water crisis.