南非一辆巴士坠桥,造成 45 人死亡。 Bus plunges off bridge in South Africa, killing 45 people.
一辆载着朝圣者从博茨瓦纳前往南非林波波省参加复活节礼拜的巴士从山口一座桥上坠落、起火并坠入峡谷,造成 45 人死亡。 45 people died when a bus carrying pilgrims from Botswana to an Easter service in South Africa's Limpopo province plunged off a bridge on a mountain pass, caught fire, and crashed into a ravine. 唯一的幸存者是一名八岁的孩子,他因伤势严重正在接受治疗。 The only survivor was an eight-year-old child, who was receiving medical attention for serious injuries. 失去控制的巴士司机是死者之一。 The bus driver, who lost control, was among the dead. 救援行动仍在进行中,一些尸体已被烧得面目全非,但仍被困在车内。 Rescue operations were ongoing, with some bodies burned beyond recognition and still trapped inside the vehicle.