叙利亚达库什附近发生一起校车事故,车子坠入奥龙特斯河,造成 6 名儿童死亡。 6 children died in a school bus accident near Darkush, Syria, when the bus fell into the Orontes River.
叙利亚西北部一辆校车坠入河流,造成 6 人死亡,其中大部分是儿童。 6 people, mostly children, died when a school bus plunged into a river in northwest Syria. 事故发生在伊德利卜西部达库什镇附近,一辆载有孤儿学校儿童的巴士偏离道路,坠入奥龙特斯河。 The accident occurred near the town of Darkush, west of Idlib, where the bus carrying children from a school for orphans veered off the road and fell into the Orontes River. 救援队在河里和悬崖边搜寻幸存者六个小时。 Rescue teams searched for survivors in the river and cliffside for six hours. 巴士冲出道路的原因目前尚不清楚。 The cause of the bus going off the road is not yet known.