冲绳总督Denny Tamaki提倡区域外交,强调和平对话,减少美国的军事存在。 Okinawa Governor Denny Tamaki promotes regional diplomacy, emphasizing peaceful dialogue and reduced US military presence.
冲绳总督Denny Tamaki正在推动区域外交,因为亚太区域的紧张局势加剧,特别是由于中国对台湾的主张和南中国海的问题。 Okinawa Governor Denny Tamaki is promoting regional diplomacy as tensions rise in the Asia-Pacific, particularly due to China's claims over Taiwan and issues in the South China Sea. 他主张减少美军在占日本军事指定土地70.6%的岛上的大量驻军。 He argues for a reduction of the U.S. military's significant presence on the island, which comprises 70.6% of Japan's military-designated land. 玉木具有双文化背景,强调和平对话,以加强信任,改善受军事行动影响的当地条件。 Tamaki, who has a bicultural background, emphasizes peaceful dialogue to enhance trust and improve local conditions affected by military operations.