1884年捐赠的Ballarat植物园的12个大理石雕像正在夏季前由当地居民Richard Thege修复。 12 marble statues at Ballarat Botanical Gardens, donated in 1884, are being restored by local resident Richard Thege before summer.
《斯托达特雕像》是由12个大理石雕塑组成的,代表了巴拉拉特植物园的希腊和罗马神话,在夏季前正在恢复。 The Stoddart Statues, a collection of 12 marble sculptures representing Greek and Roman myths at the Ballarat Botanical Gardens, are being restored ahead of summer. 该项目于1884年由Thomas Stoddart捐赠,由当地居民Richard Thege资助。 Donated in 1884 by Thomas Stoddart, the project is funded by local resident Richard Thege. 预计到2024年10月将完成清洁工作,在选出新的理事会成员后,正式公布工作定于2025年初完成。 Completion of cleaning is anticipated by October 2024, with an official unveiling set for early 2025 after new council members are elected. 这些雕像在意大利的卡拉拉举行采石仪式。 The statues were quarried in Carrara, Italy.