纪念澳大利亚土著音乐家Archie Roach和Ruby Hunter的雕像在墨尔本揭幕。 Statues honoring Indigenous Australian musicians Archie Roach and Ruby Hunter were unveiled in Melbourne.
纪念澳大利亚土著音乐家Archie Roach和Ruby Hunter的两座雕像在墨尔本的Atherton花园揭幕。 Two statues honoring Indigenous Australian musicians Archie Roach and Ruby Hunter were unveiled in Atherton Gardens, Melbourne. 这些雕像由艺术家Darien Pullen创作, 纪念他们对澳大利亚音乐的影响, Created by artist Darien Pullen, the statues commemorate their impact on Australian music and their advocacy for Indigenous rights. 该项目由劳工政府资助,是Wurundjeri Woi-wurrung文化遗产土著公司、Yarra市议会和音乐家家庭的合作项目。 The project, funded by the Labor Government, was a collaboration between the Wurundjeri Woi-wurrung Cultural Heritage Aboriginal Corporation, Yarra City Council, and the musicians' families. 该网站对曾经住在附近的这对夫妇具有个人意义。 The site holds personal significance for the couple, who once lived nearby.