Halifax客户无法停止对封闭体操的付款,银行政策允许其停付13个月。 Halifax customer unable to stop payments to closed gym, bank policy allows it for 13 months.
一家哈利法克斯公司客户竭力阻止向关闭的健身房付款,了解到银行只能阻止付款13个月。 A Halifax customer struggled to stop payments to a closed gym, learning that the bank can only block such payments for 13 months. 客户必须直接与公司联系,取消协议。 Customers must contact the company directly to cancel agreements. 对破产企业的付款应自动停止,但如果有任何付款得到处理,可能会引起争议。 Payments to insolvent businesses should cease automatically, but if any are processed, they can be disputed. Halifax承认这一问题,道歉,并鼓励客户通过其网站提出投诉。 Halifax acknowledged the issue, apologized, and encouraged customers to file complaints through their website.