保加利亚旅游业于2024年恢复,吸引更多的外国游客,高端旅馆收入增加15%。 Bulgarian tourism recovered in 2024, attracting more foreign visitors and boosting high-end hotel revenues by 15%.
在2024年夏季,保加利亚的旅游部门比2019年有所改善,尽管当地游客人数有所减少。 In Summer 2024, Bulgaria's tourism sector improved compared to 2019, despite a decline in local tourists. 7月外国游客人数达到794 000人,比2023年增加3.6%,赞成提供高端住宿。 Foreign visitors reached 794,000 in July, a 3.6% increase from 2023, favoring higher-end accommodations. 这一转变将旅馆收入提高到5亿多列瓦,同比增长15%。 This shift boosted hotel revenues to over 500 million leva, a 15% rise year-on-year. 床位占用率为57.4%,豪华酒店的占用率最高,达到72.8%。 The bed occupancy rate stood at 57.4%, with luxury hotels achieving the highest occupancy at 72.8%.