38 岁男子在纽约州日内瓦被肇事逃逸的福特 F-350 卡车重伤。 38-year-old man severely injured by hit-and-run Ford F-350 truck in Geneva, NY.
一名38岁的男子在晚上9时15分左右乘坐自行车行走时,在纽约日内瓦被一辆福特F-350卡车撞伤,伤势严重。 A 38-year-old man was severely injured after being struck by a Ford F-350 truck in Geneva, New York, around 9:15 p.m. while walking with his bicycle. 卡车由来自佛罗里达州的52岁的Nick L. Lefringhouse驾驶,他在碰撞后没有停下来。 The truck was driven by 52-year-old Nick L. Lefringhouse from Florida, who did not stop after the collision. 受害人被送往日内瓦总医院,伤势危及生命。 The victim was taken to Geneva General Hospital with life-threatening injuries. 纽约州警方正在调查这一事件,尚未宣布任何指控。 New York State Police are investigating the incident, and no charges have been announced yet.