波士顿多切斯特市一名消防车造成一人严重受伤,目前正在接受警方凶杀案和致命重建小组的调查。 A person was gravely injured by a fire truck in Dorchester, Boston, and is under investigation by the police's homicide and fatal reconstruction team.
2 月 14 日中午 12 点 25 分,多切斯特市一名消防车撞上一人,造成重伤。 A person was severely injured after being struck by a fire truck in Dorchester on February 14th at 12:25 p.m. 事件发生在鲍登街和日内瓦大道的拐角处。 The incident took place at the corner of Bowdoin Street and Geneva Avenue. 受害者是一名 34 岁男性,被紧急送往附近医院,伤势危及生命。 The victim, a 34-year-old male, was rushed to a nearby hospital with life-threatening injuries. 目前尚未公布有关坠机情况或受害者状况的进一步信息。 No further information has been released on the circumstances of the crash or the condition of the victim.