美国陆军士兵叛逃到朝鲜,承认逃兵罪并被判刑。 U.S. Army soldier defected to North Korea, pleaded guilty to desertion, and was sentenced.
一名叛逃到朝鲜的美国陆军士兵承认了逃兵罪,现已在宣判后获得自由。 A U.S. Army soldier who defected to North Korea has pleaded guilty to desertion and is now free following his sentencing. 该士兵的行动造成了重大的法律后果,但有关其判刑和今后计划的细节仍然不详。 The soldier's actions led to significant legal consequences, but details regarding his sentence and future plans remain unspecified. 他的案件引起了人们的注意,因为他向一个经常与美国有冲突的国家开小差造成的地缘政治影响。 His case has drawn attention due to the geopolitical implications of his desertion to a country that is often at odds with the United States.