驻古巴的朝鲜外交官李日圭于 11 月叛逃至韩国,这是自 2016 年以来级别最高的外交官叛逃事件。 North Korean diplomat Ri Il Kyu, based in Cuba, defected to South Korea in November, marking the highest-ranking diplomatic defection since 2016.
据韩国国家情报院透露,一名驻古巴的朝鲜外交官于11月叛逃至韩国,这是自2016年以来朝鲜级别最高的外交官叛逃事件。 A North Korean diplomat based in Cuba defected to South Korea in November, according to South Korea's National Intelligence Service, making it the highest-ranking North Korean diplomatic defection since 2016. 这名外交官名叫李日圭,现年 52 岁,曾任朝鲜驻古巴大使馆参赞,据报道,他因对朝鲜政治体制感到失望而逃往韩国。 The diplomat, Ri Il Kyu, 52, was a counsellor at the North Korean embassy in Cuba and reportedly fled to the South due to disillusionment with North Korea's political system.