因攀爬白宫围栏而被捕的人;没有关于威胁的报告。 Person arrested for climbing White House fence; no threat reported.
9月20日,美国特勤局逮捕了一个人,因为他在白宫附近的艾森豪威尔执行办公室大楼上爬上围栏。 On September 20, a person was arrested by the U.S. Secret Service for climbing the fence of the Eisenhower Executive Office Building near the White House. 此人在进入大楼前12时15分左右被捕,没有关于特勤局被保护人受到威胁的报告。 The individual was apprehended around 12:15 p.m. before entering the building, and no threat to Secret Service protectees was reported. 嫌犯被带到乔治·华盛顿医院进行医疗评估,目前正在进行调查。 The suspect was taken to George Washington Hospital for a medical evaluation, and an investigation is ongoing.