在Buxton执法部门搜查持有效搜查令的武装嫌疑人,敦促居民留在室内。 Law enforcement in Buxton searches for an armed suspect with an active warrant, urges residents to stay indoors.
Buxton的执法部门正在搜查一名持有效搜查令的武装人员,此人在Parker农场路和Webster路附近徒步逃离。 Law enforcement in Buxton is conducting a search for an armed individual with an active warrant, who fled on foot near Parker Farm Road and Webster Road. 敦促居民留在室内,保护住家,并在行动继续进行时报告任何可疑活动。 Residents are urged to stay indoors, secure their homes, and report any suspicious activity as the operation continues. 没有透露任何有关嫌疑人或搜查理由的细节,突出地说明了对公共安全的关注。 No details about the suspect or the reasons for the search have been disclosed, highlighting the focus on public safety.