联邦调查局在田纳西州日耳曼敦执行了搜查令,导致一名嫌疑人被捕。 FBI executed a search warrant in Germantown, Tennessee, resulting in a suspect's arrest.
联邦调查局周五清晨在田纳西州日耳曼敦执行了搜查令,特别是在利斯堡大道。 The FBI executed a search warrant early Friday morning in Germantown, Tennessee, specifically on Leesburg Drive. 一名嫌疑人被捕,但他们的身份仍未透露。 A suspect was arrested, but their identity remains undisclosed. 现场安全,公共安全不受威胁。 The scene is secure, with no threat to public safety. 有关调查的细节和搜查令的性质尚未公布。 The details surrounding the investigation and the nature of the search warrant have not been revealed. 地方当局正在监测有关情况,并将随时提供最新情况。 Local authorities are monitoring the situation and will provide updates as they become available.