特鲁布尔警察为在团结路地区进行武装嫌疑人搜查发出了一个庇护所就地警报。 Trumbull Police issued a shelter-in-place alert for an armed suspect search in Unity Road area.
康涅狄格州特伦布尔警察局向 Unity Road 地区的居民发布了就地避难警报,包括 Unity Drive 和周围街道,因为正在搜寻一名武装嫌疑人。 The Trumbull Police Department in Connecticut issued a shelter-in-place alert for residents in the Unity Road area, including Unity Drive and surrounding streets, due to an ongoing search for an armed suspect. 多个执法机构正在进行徒步搜查,并通过Trumbull公民警报系统通知了居民。 Multiple law enforcement agencies are conducting a foot search, and residents were notified through the Trumbull Citizen Alert system. 警报将一直保持,直到发现嫌疑人或搜查结束。 The alert will remain in place until the suspect is located or the search concludes.