在2018年由一位门徒提起的一起案件中,德里法院指控自称为教士的Daati Maharaj和兄弟犯有强奸、非自然罪行和刑事恐吓罪。 Delhi court charges self-styled godman Daati Maharaj and brothers with rape, unnatural offenses, and criminal intimidation in a 2018 case initiated by a disciple.
德里一家法院指控自封为神人的 Madan Rajasthani(被称为 Daati Maharaj)和他的兄弟 Ashok 和 Arjun 与 2018 年由他的一名弟子提起的案件有关,犯有强奸、非自然犯罪和刑事恐吓罪。 A Delhi court has charged self-styled godman Madan Rajasthani, known as Daati Maharaj, and his brothers Ashok and Arjun with rape, unnatural offenses, and criminal intimidation in connection with a 2018 case initiated by one of his disciples. 据称受害人称,她于2016年遭到袭击,但因恐吓而推迟报告。 The alleged victim claims she was assaulted in 2016 but delayed reporting due to intimidation. 审判定于10月18日开始,起诉证据将记录在案。 The trial is set to commence on October 18, with prosecution evidence to be recorded.