2 FIR 因涉嫌侮辱先知穆罕默德和伊斯兰教的言论而在孟买对 Ramgiri Maharaj 提起诉讼。 2 FIRs filed against Ramgiri Maharaj in Mumbai for alleged insulting remarks against Prophet Mohammad and Islam.
2 对孟买的宗教领袖Ramgiri Maharaj提出指控,指控他对先知穆罕默德和伊斯兰教发表反对言论。 2 FIRs filed against religious leader Ramgiri Maharaj in Mumbai for allegedly making objectionable remarks against Prophet Mohammad and Islam. FIR是根据《印度宪法》第352条和第299条登记的,这些条文涉及侮辱宗教情感和引起暴行。 The FIRs were registered under sections 352 and 299 of the Bharatiya Nyay Sanhita, which pertain to insulting religious sentiments and causing outrage. 马哈拉施特拉邦警察也在州其他地区登记了对Mahant Ramgiri Maharaj的案件。 Maharashtra police have also registered cases against Mahant Ramgiri Maharaj in other parts of the state.