旁遮普省警方指控锡克教士Ranjit Singh Dhadrianwale从2012年起犯有强奸和谋杀罪。 Punjab police charge Sikh preacher Ranjit Singh Dhadrianwale with rape and murder from 2012.
旁遮普省警方对锡克教士Ranjit Singh Dhadrianwale在2012年的一起案件中提出强奸和谋杀指控。 Punjab police have filed charges of rape and murder against Sikh preacher Ranjit Singh Dhadrianwale in a 2012 case. 在受害人的兄弟指控警方玩忽职守并寻求公正调查之后,根据IPC的章节登记了FIR,罪名是谋杀、强奸和刑事恐吓。 The FIR was registered under IPC sections for murder, rape, and criminal intimidation after the victim's brother alleged police negligence and sought a fair investigation. 传教士声称此案毫无根据,并承诺与警方合作。 The preacher claims the case is baseless and promises cooperation with the police. 高等法院还批评了警方最初的不作为。 The High Court has also criticized initial police inaction.