2023年 洪都拉斯在塔马拉的监狱逃跑企图造成两人死亡,三人受伤,并推动了新大监狱的计划. 2023 Honduran prison escape attempt in Tamara leaves two dead, three injured, and spurs plans for a new megaprison.
2023年6月26日,洪都拉斯Tamara男子监狱试图越狱,造成2名囚犯死亡,3人受伤。 An attempted prison escape at a men's facility in Tamara, Honduras, resulted in two inmate deaths and three injuries on June 26, 2023. 共有72名囚犯参加了试图越狱的企图,促使宪兵进行干预。 A total of 72 prisoners took part in the escape attempt, prompting military police intervention. 局势现已得到控制。 The situation is now under control. 这起事件突显了洪都拉斯帮派暴力和监狱人满为患的持续问题, 导致总统西奥马拉·卡斯特罗(Xiomara Castro)宣布计划成立20,000个新的“超级监狱”计划。 This incident highlights ongoing issues with gang violence and overcrowded prisons in Honduras, leading President Xiomara Castro to announce plans for a new 20,000-capacity "megaprison."