作为诺博亚总统打击帮派战争的一部分,厄瓜多尔的监狱取消了军事控制下的按摩浴缸和俱乐部。 Ecuador's prisons eliminate jacuzzis and clubs under military control as part of President Noboa's war on gangs.
由于现在由军队掌管,厄瓜多尔的监狱取消了按摩浴缸和俱乐部,创造了一个更加纪律严明的环境。 With military forces now in charge, Ecuador's prisons have eliminated jacuzzis and clubs, allowing for a more disciplined environment. 丹尼尔·诺博亚总统一月份向犯罪团伙宣战,对该国监狱发起军事镇压,这些监狱已成为与墨西哥和哥伦比亚贩毒集团有联系的毒枭的神经中枢和战场。 President Daniel Noboa declared war on gangs in January, launching a military crackdown on the country's prisons, which had become the nerve center and battleground of narcos linked to Mexican and Colombian cartels. 拉塔昆加监狱目前有 1,500 名士兵确保控制和安全。 Latacunga prison now has 1,500 soldiers ensuring control and security.