来自缅因州波特兰的41岁的Ryan Simpson在坠机后被捕,他带着他的狗逃离,试图闯入另一辆车,并被一名带泰瑟枪的士兵逮捕。 41-year-old Ryan Simpson, from Portland, Maine, was arrested after a crash, fleeing with his dog, attempting to break into another vehicle, and being apprehended by a trooper with a Taser.
Ryan Simpson, 41岁,来自缅因州波特兰省,因卡车在收费亭附近撞车并带着狗逃离现场而被捕。 Ryan Simpson, a 41-year-old from Portland, Maine, was arrested after crashing his truck near a toll booth and fleeing the scene with his dog. 他试图在红色灯光下进入另一辆车,但被一名使用泰瑟枪的州警逮捕。 He attempted to enter another vehicle at a red light but was apprehended by a state trooper using a Taser. Simpson面临指控,包括停机后操作和企图入室盗窃机动车辆。 Simpson faces charges including operating after suspension and attempted burglary of a motor vehicle. 他的狗没有受伤,被动物管制局拘留。 His dog was unharmed and taken into custody by animal control.