32岁的Ryan Buckingham和22岁的Keagan Richardson撞毁车辆,造成交通中断,并面临多重指控。 32-year-old Ryan Buckingham and 22-year-old Keagan Richardson crashed vehicles, causing traffic disruption and facing multiple charges.
32岁的Ryan Buckingham在Auburn撞毁一辆偷来的公用卡车,造成电线杆和电线倒塌。 32-year-old Ryan Buckingham crashed a stolen utility truck in Auburn, causing a utility pole and power lines to collapse. 他现在面临驾车危害安全、严重犯罪行为和无照经营等指控。 He now faces charges of driving to endanger, aggravated criminal mischief, and operating without a license. 在另一起事件中,22岁的Keagan Richardson撞上了停靠在Auburn公共工程公司的一辆汽车,造成驾车危害的指控。 In a separate incident, 22-year-old Keagan Richardson crashed into a parked Auburn Public Works vehicle, resulting in charges of driving to endanger. 两次撞车都堵塞交通,造成严重延误。 Both crashes blocked traffic and caused significant delays.