佐治亚州一名嫌疑人带领警察追捕,撞毁汽车,逃跑后被邻居的狗抓住。 Georgia suspect leads deputies on chase, crashes car, then is caught by neighbor's dog after running.
佐治亚州一名嫌疑人带领警察追捕,撞毁汽车,逃跑后被邻居的狗抓住。 Georgia suspect leads deputies on chase, crashes car, then is caught by neighbor's dog after running. 警察试图拦下一辆本田雅阁,但司机却加速驶离并在街道上突然转向。 Deputies attempted to stop a Honda Accord, but the driver sped off and swerved through streets. 警员使用气喇叭警告儿童,并执行 PIT 机动,然后撞毁了汽车。 Deputies used an air horn to alert children, performed a PIT maneuver, and crashed the car. 司机逃跑了,但被邻居的狗咬伤,被发现藏在棚子里。 The driver ran, but was bitten by a neighbor's dog and found hiding in a shed. 车内发现了毒品和体重秤。 Drugs and scales were found in the car. 犯罪嫌疑人已被逮捕。 The suspect was arrested.