Ryan Rogers认罪 离开安大略的事故现场 和其他驾驶违规事件 Ryan Rogers pleaded guilty to leaving an accident scene and other driving offenses in Ontario.
Ryan Rogers,42岁,来自安大略利弗利,在苏德伯里安大略法院认罪,离开事故现场,禁止驾驶,无保险驾驶。 Ryan Rogers, a 42-year-old from Lively, Ontario, pleaded guilty in the Ontario Court of Justice in Sudbury to leaving the scene of an accident, driving while prohibited, and driving without insurance. 罗杰斯于10月24日向警方自首。 Rogers turned himself in to the police on October 24. 包括暂停驾驶期间驾驶在内的附加指控正在等待处理。 Additional charges, including driving while suspended, are pending. 目前正在编写一份宣判前报告,判决日期定在12月4日。 A pre-sentence report is being prepared, with a sentencing date set for December 4.