从Davis Fire救出的25岁熊Nugget因烧伤而获救,运去治疗。 25-year-old bear Nugget rescued from Davis Fire with burn injuries, transported for treatment.
在戴维斯大火中,来自Luckee Meadows大火救援队的消防员拯救了一只25岁的熊,名叫Nugget,发现他在瓦肖山谷的爪子、脸和嘴部受到严重烧伤。 Amid the Davis Fire, firefighters from Truckee Meadows Fire and Rescue rescued a 25-year-old bear named Nugget, found with severe burn injuries to his paws, face, and mouth in Washoe Valley. 船员与内华达野生动物部联系,后者帮助运送Nugget进行医疗。 The crew contacted the Nevada Department of Wildlife, which helped transport Nugget for medical treatment. 在野火造成的破坏中,这一营救努力带来了一线希望。 This rescue effort offers a glimmer of hope amid the devastation caused by the wildfire.