一只525磅重的熊 名叫巴里 被安全地从加利福尼亚州阿尔塔迪纳的 一座房子下搬走 A 525-pound bear, nicknamed Barry, was safely removed from under a home in Altadena, California, post-wildfire.
一位名叫巴里(Barry)的525磅黑熊 被发现住在加利福尼亚州Altadena的一所房屋下 在屋主在伊顿火之后回来后 A 525-pound black bear named Barry was found living under a home in Altadena, California, after the homeowner returned following the Eaton Fire, one of the state's most destructive wildfires. 野生生物官员花了近24小时 利用熊陷阱和烤鸡作为诱饵 除掉Barry Wildlife officials spent nearly 24 hours removing Barry using a bear trap and a rotisserie chicken as bait. 在进行福利检查并给他装上GPS项圈后,Barry被转移到了洛杉矶国家森林。 After a welfare check and fitting him with a GPS collar, Barry was relocated to the Angeles National Forest. 由于熊的出现,该家的水电设施被推迟,但后来在Barry安全搬走后又恢复使用。 The family's utilities were delayed due to the bear's presence, but they were later restored after Barry's safe removal.