新加坡教育部长提出了限制教师课后工作、保护福利和减少工作量的准则。 Singapore's Education Minister introduces guidelines to limit teachers' after-hours work, protect well-being, and reduce workloads.
新加坡教育部长Chan Chun Sing宣布了新的准则,规定除紧急情况外,教师不得分享个人电话号码和下班后回应与工作有关的信息。 Singapore's Education Minister Chan Chun Sing announced new guidelines that exempt teachers from sharing personal phone numbers and responding to work-related messages after hours, except in emergencies. 这些准则是更新的《学校与家庭伙伴关系准则》的一部分,旨在保护教师的福祉,减少工作量,促进学校与父母之间相互尊重的合作。 These guidelines, part of the refreshed Guidelines for School-Home Partnership, aim to protect teachers' well-being, reduce workloads, and foster respectful collaboration between schools and parents. 措施还包括防止欺凌和加强行政支助的宪章。 Measures also include a charter against bullying and enhanced administrative support.